Gel Rig Enduro XL Test

Testing the resolution of the Enduro Gel Xl Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Unit E0160

Equipment and Reagents Labnet E0160]()

Prepare Reagents

  • 1x TAE
  • 150ml 2% agarose gel in TAE

Gel Rig

Gel Rig Parts Parts

Gel combs Parts

Gel Running Parts

Gel protocol

Prepared a 150ml gel using 150ml of 1xTAE + 3.0g Agarose, melted gel for ~3 minues in the microwave and let cool and added 2µl Gelgreen, mixed and poured in the large gel rig. Used the 14 well comb on top and the 28 well comb on the middel of the gel.

Added 4µl of GeneRuler 1kb plus DNA Ladder already containing dye to gel wells Mixed 1.5µl of Purple loading dye with 4µl of GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder and added to gel wells


Top row with 14 wells
Top1 - GeneRuler 1kb plus DNA Ladder
Top2 - Empty
Top3 - GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder
Top4 - Empty
Top5 - Empty
Top6 - Empty
Top7 - GeneRuler 1kb plus DNA Ladder
Top8 - Empty
Top9 - GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder
Top10 - Empty
Top11 - Empty
Top12 - GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder
Top13 - Empty
Top14 - GeneRuler 1kb plus DNA Ladder

Bottom row with 28 wells
Bottom1 - GeneRuler 1kb plus DNA Ladder
Bottom2 - Empty
Bottom3 - GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder
Bottom4 - Empty
Bottom5 - Empty
Bottom6 - Empty
Bottom7 - Empty
Bottom8 - Empty
Bottom9 - Empty
Bottom10 - Empty
Bottom11 - Empty
Bottom12 - GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder
Bottom13 - Empty
Bottom14 - Empty
Bottom15 - Empty
Bottom16 - Empty
Bottom17 - GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder
Bottom18 - Empty
Bottom19 - Empty
Bottom20 - Empty
Bottom21 - Empty
Bottom22 - Empty
Bottom23 - Empty
Bottom24 - Empty
Bottom25 - Empty
Bottom26 - GeneRuler 100 bp DNA Ladder
Bottom27 - Empty
Bottom28 - GeneRuler 1kb plus DNA Ladder

Ran the gel in 1X TAE at 70V for 75 minutes

Gel Results

After 40 minutes at 70V

After 40 minutes at 70V

After 70 minutes at 70V

After 70 minutes at 70V

The 2% gel in 1x TAE run for 70 minutes at 70V provides enough resolution for the GeneRuler 100bp standard and thus fragments ranging from 100-1000bp.

Written on April 16, 2022