Extracting fasta from AUGUSTUS output

Goal: extract extract CDS and protein sequences from first transcript in Augustus output files

count of genes in gff
grep -c “# start gene” Structural_annotation_abintio.gff
gene count = 64558

This matches the reported number from the genome (Vidal Dupiol BioRxiv)

1. Use this perl script to extract fasta seq file for AUGUSTUS predicted genes and proteins

Perl Script

perl getAnnoFasta.pl Structural_annotation_abintio.gff

this results in 2 files:

Structural_annotation_abintio.aa Structural_annotation_abintio.codingseq

2. Files then need to be parsed for the first transcript only (e.g., g1.t1 … gn.t1)

awk '/^>/ {P=index($0,".t1")==0} {if(!P) print} ' Structural_annotation_abintio.aa > Pact_T1_Structural_annotation_abintio.aa

sed 's/\..*$//' Pact_T1_Structural_annotation_abintio.aa > Pact_protein.fa

awk '/^>/ {P=index($0,".t1")==0} {if(!P) print} ' Structural_annotation_abintio.codingseq > Pact_T1_Structural_annotation_abintio.codingseq
sed '/\..*\./s/^[^.]*\./>/' Pact_T1_Structural_annotation_abintio.codingseq > Pact_CDS.fas

sed 's/\..*$//' Pact_CDS.fas > Pact_CDS.fa

Output Sequence Files

Pact_protein.fa Pact_CDS.fa

3. Sanity Checks

count of genes in fasta files

grep -c ">" Pact_protein.fa
grep -c ">" Pact_CDS.fa

Pact_CDS.fa = 64558
Pact_protein.fa = 64554

4 protein sequences seem to be missing from protein

Is this because some did not generate predicted proteins?

Protein file headers

grep -e ">"  Pact_protein.fa > protein.headers	 #### CDS file headers
grep -e ">" Pact_CDS.fa > CDS.headers	 #### Check for differences in the headers
diff protein.headers CDS.headers > diffs

> g1244
> g12723
> g18188
> g48169

this adds up to the 4 missing

search these 4 in the augustus ouput

less Structural_annotation_abintio.gff

# start gene g1244
scaffold97cov102        AUGUSTUS        gene    1       570     0.49    +       .       g1244
scaffold97cov102        AUGUSTUS        transcript      1       570     0.49    +       .       g1244.t1
scaffold97cov102        AUGUSTUS        terminal        566     570     0.86    +       2       transcript_id "g1244.t1"; gene_id "g1244";
scaffold97cov102        AUGUSTUS        intron  1       565     0.49    +       .       transcript_id "g1244.t1"; gene_id "g1244";
scaffold97cov102        AUGUSTUS        CDS     566     570     0.86    +       2       transcript_id "g1244.t1"; gene_id "g1244";
scaffold97cov102        AUGUSTUS        stop_codon      568     570     .       +       0       transcript_id "g1244.t1"; gene_id "g1244";
# coding sequence = [aatga]
# protein sequence = []
# Evidence for and against this transcript:
# % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 50
# CDS exons: 1/1
#      E:   1
# CDS introns: 0/1
# 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# hint groups fully obeyed: 0
# incompatible hint groups: 3
#      E:   3 (TCONS00004018,TCONS00060351,TCONS00060352)
# end gene g1244`

# start gene g12723
scaffold991cov108       AUGUSTUS        gene    1       1990    0.4     +       .       g12723
scaffold991cov108       AUGUSTUS        transcript      1       1990    0.4     +       .       g12723.t1
scaffold991cov108       AUGUSTUS        terminal        1986    1990    1       +       2       transcript_id "g12723.t1"; gene_id "g12723";
scaffold991cov108       AUGUSTUS        intron  1       1985    0.4     +       .       transcript_id "g12723.t1"; gene_id "g12723";
scaffold991cov108       AUGUSTUS        CDS     1986    1990    1       +       2       	transcript_id "g12723.t1"; gene_id "g12723";
scaffold991cov108       AUGUSTUS        stop_codon      1988    1990    .       +       0       transcript_id "g12723.t1"; gene_id "g12723";
# coding sequence = [tgtag]
# protein sequence = []
# Evidence for and against this transcript:
# % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 50
# CDS exons: 1/1
#      E:   1
# CDS introns: 0/1
# 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# hint groups fully obeyed: 0
# incompatible hint groups: 31
#      E:  31 (TCONS00062974,TCONS00010788,TCONS00024921,TCONS00062723,TCONS00046300,TCONS00008149,...)
# end gene g12723

# start gene g18188
scaffold1507cov106      AUGUSTUS        gene    1       979     0.6     +       .       g18188
scaffold1507cov106      AUGUSTUS        transcript      1       979     0.6     +       .       g18188.t1
scaffold1507cov106      AUGUSTUS        terminal        976     979     0.6     +       1       transcript_id "g18188.t1"; gene_id "g18188";
scaffold1507cov106      AUGUSTUS        intron  1       975     0.71    +       .       transcript_id "g18188.t1"; gene_id "g18188";
scaffold1507cov106      AUGUSTUS        CDS     976     979     0.6     +       1       transcript_id "g18188.t1"; gene_id "g18188";
scaffold1507cov106      AUGUSTUS        stop_codon      977     979     .       +       0       transcript_id "g18188.t1"; gene_id "g18188";
# coding sequence = [ctag]
# protein sequence = []
# Evidence for and against this transcript:
# % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 50
# CDS exons: 1/1
#      E:   1
# CDS introns: 0/1
# 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# hint groups fully obeyed: 0
# incompatible hint groups: 29
#      E:  29 (TCONS00047370,TCONS00028284,TCONS00036554,TCONS00012242,TCONS00056347,TCONS00050834,...)
# end gene g18188

# start gene g48169
scaffold9876cov105      AUGUSTUS        gene    1       180     0.99    +       .       g48169
scaffold9876cov105      AUGUSTUS        transcript      1       180     0.99    +       .       g48169.t1
scaffold9876cov105      AUGUSTUS        terminal        176     180     0.99    +       2       transcript_id "g48169.t1"; gene_id "g48169";
scaffold9876cov105      AUGUSTUS        intron  1       175     0.99    +       .       transcript_id "g48169.t1"; gene_id "g48169";
scaffold9876cov105      AUGUSTUS        CDS     176     180     0.99    +       2       transcript_id "g48169.t1"; gene_id "g48169";
scaffold9876cov105      AUGUSTUS        stop_codon      178     180     .       +       0       transcript_id "g48169.t1"; gene_id "g48169";
# coding sequence = [aataa]
# protein sequence = []
# Evidence for and against this transcript:
# % of transcript supported by hints (any source): 50
# CDS exons: 1/1
#      E:   1
# CDS introns: 0/1
# 5'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# 3'UTR exons and introns: 0/0
# hint groups fully obeyed: 0
# incompatible hint groups: 25
#      E:  25 (TCONS00029265,TCONS00001086,TCONS00052623,TCONS00019793,TCONS00046668,TCONS00025937,...)
# end gene g48169

Yes, 4 genes did not have predicted proteins

Yes we can move forward with this perl script, followed by cleaning of sequence names to remove extra header information (e.g., .t1)

Perl Script

Compare this to script written by Tejashree Modak

August Extract Script by Tejashree Modak


help() {
echo -e "$PROG [options] <Agustus gff>\n"
echo "Options:"
echo "-c <coding file>    Output file for CDS fasta"
echo "-p <coding file>    Output file for protein fasta"
exit 0

while getopts "c:p:h" arg ; do
case "$arg" in
    c)  cfile="$OPTARG" ;;
    p)  pfile="$OPTARG" ;;
    *)  help ;;

shift $((OPTIND-1))

# pre-process the file to "join" all coding and protein sequences
# output will be
# >gene1
# coding <coding-sequence>
# protein <protein-sequence>
# coding <coding-sequence>
# protein <protein-sequence>
# ....
# >gene2
# ...
awk '/^# start gene g/ {
print ">" $NF
f = ""

/^# (coding|protein) sequence/ {
f = $NF                     # store the start of sequence
t = $2                      # t is either "coding" or "protein"
if ($NF ~ /\]$/) {          # for one line sequences, ] is on the same line, so print it out
    print t, f; f = ""

length(f) && $1 == "#" && NF == 2 {    # multiline sequences will continue appending to f
f = f $NF                          # first field is '#' second is sequence,
if ($NF ~ /\]$/) {                 # once we get to ']' thats the end of sequence, so print it out
    print t, f; f = ""
} ' $1  | tr -d '[]' > preprocessed

# after that Pick the gene line and the first two coding and protein lines
# and write then out
awk -v pfile="$pfile" -v cfile="$cfile" 'BEGIN {
pfile = !length(pfile) ? "protein.fasta" : pfile;
printf "" > pfile
cfile = !length(cfile) ? "coding.fasta" : cfile;
printf "" > cfile

NF == 1 && /^>/ {
gene = $1
c = p = 0

$1 == "coding" && c == 0 && NF == 2 {
print gene "\n" $NF >> cfile
c++; codings++;

$1 == "protein" && p == 0 && NF == 2 {
print  gene "\n" $NF >> pfile
p++; proteins++;

$1 == "protein" && (c == 0 || p == 0) {
if (c == 0) {
} else {
print "WARNING: Gene", substr(gene, 2), "has", c, "coding sequences and", p, "protein sequences"

print "Statistics:\nTotal Genes:", total, "\nTotal Coding Sequences:", codings, "\nTotal Protein Sequences:", proteins, "\nEmpty Coding Sequences:", missing_codings, "\nEmpty Protein Sequences:", missing_proteins
}' preprocessed

echo "Total genes in $1: $(grep -c '^# start gene' $1)" 

1. Run extraction script

bash get-augustus-fasta.sh Structural_annotation_abintio.gff

2. Output Files

coding.fasta protein.fasta

3. Sanity check against sequence number

Script writes out the following

WARNING: Gene g1244 has 1 coding sequences and 0 protein sequences
WARNING: Gene g12723 has 1 coding sequences and 0 protein sequences
WARNING: Gene g18188 has 1 coding sequences and 0 protein sequences
WARNING: Gene g48169 has 1 coding sequences and 0 protein sequences
Total Genes: 64558
Total Coding Sequences: 64558
Total Protein Sequences: 64554
Empty Coding Sequences:
Empty Protein Sequences: 4
Total genes in Structural_annotation_abintio.gff: 64558


TM script is faster and fewer steps and gives you the output for a sanity check directly

Written on June 6, 2020