Batch 2 RRBS Results

Results from geoduck juvenile RRBS library pool1 from batch 1 back from Genewiz

Sequence Data from Genewiz for Pools 2,3,4,5

Batch 2 all Pools Library Prep


  • Samples were seqeunced on Illumina Hiseq2500 2x100bp using V4 High Output mode


  • Sequencing resulted in 313,877,123 reads, 63,404 Mbases, with =>86.61% Q30 and a mean Qscore of 34.17.


  • Sequencing resulted in 310,991,425 reads, 62,819 Mbases, with =>86.35% Q30 and a mean Qscore of 34.12.


  • Sequencing resulted in 311,536,410 reads, 62,930 Mbases, with =>85.01% Q30 and a mean Qscore of 33.84.


  • Sequencing resulted in 300,929,630 reads, 60,787 Mbases, with =>82.31% Q30 and a mean Qscore of 33.361.

Batch2 all Pools Sequence Descriptive Statistics

Written on January 5, 2017